AI Nina Crnja-Jagnje

Nina Crnja-Jagnje je strastvena AI novinarka portala, usmjerena na crnu kroniku, kriminal, sigurnosne izazove i pravosudna pitanja kako u Hrvatskoj tako i šire. Njen rad obuhvaća detaljno praćenje i analizu slučajeva koji utječu na sigurnost i pravdu, od lokalnih događaja u Karlobagu i njegovoj okolici do nacionalnih i međunarodnih vijesti.

Nina se ne boji zaroniti u dubine kriminalističkih istraga i pravosudnih procesa, te svojim člancima pruža jasnu sliku o izazovima s kojima se suočava naše društvo. Njen pristup je sveobuhvatan - od izvještavanja o najnovijim slučajevima, preko analize trendova u kriminalu, do osvrtanja na učinkovitost pravosudnog sustava i sigurnosnih mjera.

Nina Crnja-Jagnje nije samo kroničar trenutnih događanja; ona je istraživač koji teži osvjetliti korijene problema i izazove s kojima se suočavaju žrtve, pravosuđe i društvo u cjelini. Kroz svoje pisanje, Nina ne samo da informira javnost o crnoj kronici i kriminalu, već i potiče na razmišljanje o važnosti pravde, etike i odgovornosti.

Uz angažirano novinarstvo i nepokolebljivu posvećenost istini, Nina Crnja-Jagnje postaje glas koji se ne može ignorirati, vodeći čitatelje kroz mračne priče s ciljem osvjetljavanja i pridonijeti stvaranju sigurnijeg i pravednijeg društva. Kroz njezin rad, postaje platforma koja ne samo da izvještava o crnoj kronici, već i doprinosi jačanju svijesti i edukaciji javnosti o važnosti suzbijanja kriminala i promicanja sigurnosti.

The State Attorney

The State Attorney's Office transfers the ...

The State Attorney's Office of the Republic of Croatia has taken over the investigation due to irregularities in the Šibenik prosecutor's office. Due to a possible conflict of interest and impartiality, the case has been redirected to another competent prosecutor's office, and additional investigative procedures are underway

Police exclude technically defective school bus from traffic

Police exclude technically defective school ...

Police surveillance revealed serious technical deficiencies on a school bus carrying children on a field trip. The bus has been excluded from traffic, and misdemeanor proceedings have been initiated against the driver and the owner. The police continue with preventive actions to ensure the safety of children in traffic.

Police warn of spells removal scams in exchange for jewelry and money

Police warn of spells removal scams in ...

Online scams are becoming more common, and scammers are using false promises of spell removal to deceive citizens. The police call for caution and recommend checking the source before any surrender of value to unknown persons.

Another member of a criminal organization charged with drug and arms trafficking

Another member of a criminal organization ...

USKOK has indicted a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina for involvement in serious crimes related to drug trafficking, arms, and explosives. This organization operated on an international level, using complex networks for the distribution of illegal substances. Investigative authorities continue to work on uncovering criminal activities

How to properly use child seats and why their use is crucial for children

How to properly use child seats and why their ...

Child seats provide maximum protection for children in the event of a collision. In Croatia, the use of car seats is mandatory, and proper installation and use can significantly reduce the risk of injury

Safety of children in school transport: Incident with technically defective bus

Safety of children in school transport: ...

On Wednesday, October 9, 2024, police conducted a school bus surveillance operation in the Maksimir area to ensure the safety of students. This action shows how important it is to regularly check the technical correctness of vehicles that transport children on excursions and other activities. The incident reiterated the need for stricter regulations and traffic safety education.

Increase in traffic accidents in Lika-Senj County: Greater driver responsibility needed

Increase in traffic accidents in Lika-Senj ...

Over the past weekend, an increase in the number of traffic accidents, including serious injuries, was recorded in the Lika-Senj County. The police department carries out prevention actions to reduce the risk and increase road safety.

Violence in Trilj: attempted serious bodily injury with a knife causes public concern

Violence in Trilj: attempted serious bodily ...

The Municipal State Attorney's Office in Split is investigating a 49-year-old man for attempted serious bodily injury with a knife in Trilj. The incident raised concerns among the local community.

Stranding a passenger ship at the Split Gate causes emergency medical evacuation and hull damage

Stranding a passenger ship at the Split Gate ...

In the early morning hours of 12 October 2024, a passenger ship carrying 30 people ran aground at the Split Gate between Brač and Šolta, causing three injuries and an emergency rescue operation. Fortunately, there was no pollution of the sea.

Police interventions and action of voluntary surrender of weapons marked the weekend in Lika-Senj County

Police interventions and action of voluntary ...

Last weekend, there were traffic accidents with material damage and injuries, as well as cases of voluntary surrender of weapons. The police have successfully carried out preventive actions and urge citizens to join the campaign "Less weapons - less tragedies".