Science - Latest scientific discoveries and research


Developing a technique to assess the reliability of foundation models prior to application to specific tasks from MIT and MIT-IBM Watson AI Laboratory

Developing a technique to assess the ...

Researchers from mit and the MIT-IBM Watson AI Laboratory have developed a new technique to assess the reliability of foundation models before applying them to specific tasks, using an algorithm to assess model consistency. This solution can help reduce errors in safety-critical situations and enable better model selection without the need to test on actual data.

Innovation in personal care: Beer-bean microbeads provide a sustainable alternative to plastic beads in personal care products and reduce environmental pollution

Innovation in personal care: Beer-bean ...

New research has uncovered a sustainable way to use beer bean residue (BSG) to produce microbeads used in personal care products. This environmentally friendly alternative helps reduce plastic pollution and shows superior performance compared to conventional plastic beads.

Research by an international team of scientists reveals new details about centromere behaviour and cell division evolution

Research by an international team of ...

Scientists have discovered that centromeres consist of two parts that bind to microtubules. This discovery advances understanding of cell division and may help in cancer cell research.

New genetic evidence reveals multiple waves of mixing of modern humans and Neanderthals throughout history

New genetic evidence reveals multiple waves ...

Scientists have unearthed a history of genetic exchange between modern humans and Neanderthals, revealing multiple waves of interference that have occurred over millennia, suggesting a much closer connection between these early human groups than previously thought.

The last universal common ancestor: LUCA research reveals early life on Earth 4.2 billion years ago

The last universal common ancestor: LUCA ...

New research reveals details of the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) that lived 4.2 billion years ago, providing insight into early life on Earth. Scientists analyzed genes and evolutionary models to understand LUCA's biology and ecosystem.

Switching to ammonia as a marine fuel can cause more health problems than benefits without stronger regulation

Switching to ammonia as a marine fuel can ...

The transition of the global fleet from fossil fuels to ammonia as a marine fuel can cause significant health problems due to the emission of nitrogen oxides and unburned ammonia, mit researchers warn. Stricter regulations and cleaner engine technologies are needed to reduce negative impacts on public health.