Karlobag.eu - A portal on tourism and news

Tourism of the countries


Diversity of tourism in Belgium: From ...

Explore the diversity of tourism in Belgium, from the exciting Antwerp fashion scene to sustainable travel to lesser-known destinations. Discover how Belgium offers unique experiences, from gastronomic delights to natural beauty and business events.

Tourism Croatia


Orebic marks 120 years of tourism: high guest ...

Orebic, known for its exceptional natural beauty and rich history, celebrates 120 years of tourism this year. High guest ratings in various aspects of tourism emphasize the importance of continuous investment in quality and feedback monitoring.

Tourism World


Impact of tourism on job quality: analysis of ...

The research shows that the development of tourism in European regions is not directly related to the quality of jobs, but is mostly influenced by institutional regimes and government legislation. The analysis used data from surveys on working conditions from 2015 and 2021.