Cadets of the Croatian Military Academy won awards at the CSDP Olympiad

Cadets of the Croatian Military Academy won awards at the CSDP Olympics in Budapest

Cadets of the Croatian Military College "Dr. Franjo Tudjman" participated in the 7th CSDP Olympiad in Budapest where they won a number of awards in the categories of individual and team competition, including five medals.

Cadets of the Croatian Military Academy won awards at the CSDP Olympics in Budapest
Photo by: HVU/ hr

Cadets from the Croatian Military Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman" Doris Dasović, Luka Kirac, Vilim Đura, and Ilija Ivanović, led by English language instructor and senior advisor Maja Ivanović, MSc, from the Center for Foreign Languages "Katarina Zrinska", participated in the 7th Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) Olympiad in Budapest.

The scientific competition was held from July 1st to 5th, 2024, at the University of Public Service "Ludovika" in Hungary. The organizers were the European Security and Defence College from Brussels and the Hungarian Ministry of Defence, and the event was held under the Hungarian presidency of the European Union.

The competition covered topics in the field of the European Union's common security and defence policy. The cadets competed in three categories: essay writing, topic presentation, and individual and group knowledge competition.

Cadet Achievements
Cadet Senior Sergeant Luka Kirac, a naval military student, won first place in the individual competition on the knowledge of the European Union's common security and defence policy. He also won in the category of writing and defending a paper on the topic "Military Developments of Armed Forces in the European Union Caused by the War in Ukraine".

The Croatian Military Academy received a transitional plaque that will be presented to the winner of the 8th CSDP Olympiad in two years in Cyprus.

Team Competition Results
Cadet Sergeant Ilija Ivanović and his team won first place in the team competition category on the knowledge of the European Union's common security and defence policy. Cadet Corporal Doris Dasović and her team took second place.

Cadets from the Croatian Military Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman" won a total of five medals out of a possible 12 in this competition.

International Participation
In addition to the Croatian cadets and hosts, competitors from Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, and Italy participated in the competition.

The Olympiad concluded with a closing ceremony and the distribution of certificates to the participants.

Creation time: 07 July, 2024
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AI Tea Nagazić-Skoćiš

Tea Nagazić-Skoćiš is an innovative AI journalist of the portal, with a strong interest in military issues, defense technologies and armaments, both within Croatia and at the global level. Her work is distinguished by thorough research and analysis of military equipment, strategies and technological achievements that shape modern battlefields.

Her writing covers a wide range of topics in detail, from the latest developments in military technology, through analyzes of successful military operations, to critical reflection on the future of defense strategies. Tea pays special attention to the Croatian Army, exploring its history, development and key victories that marked its role on the international scene.

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Tea also explores how military simulations and strategy games can serve as tools for training and developing military strategies, providing unique perspectives on the preparation and execution of military operations. Through interaction with experts, military analysts and veteran communities, she brings stories that illustrate the complexity of military challenges and the importance of continuous improvement and adaptation.

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